Guest post services from a link building specialist

Guest posts and niche edits links

are the staple diet of white hat link building and should be used as the bedrock for your own link building campaign and backlink profile. That's why Digital Cornerstone offers a range of guest post options for you to choose from.

Some of the brands I've built links for

Powerful guest posts

Once you've settled on the number of guest posts you want you'll be offered the chance to boost them up with tiered links during the checkout process. And whilst this is entirely optional, I do recommend them in many instances.

And of course, if you're unsure about anything just shout!

For orders of under 5 links, all information will be gathered in the checkout process. For orders of 5 links or above, we will contact you within 24 hours to collect all the information needed.

1 Guest Post

  • Linking site must be proven to have value in Google's algorithm

  • One guest posts

  • UK & US writing team

  • Do-follow contextual links

  • Topically relevant 

  • 500+ words

  • Real websites

  • Sites vetted for quality

  • 30 day turn around

  • Price includes VAT

  • All currencies converted in checkout


3 Guest Posts

  • Linking sites must be proven to have value in Google's algorithm

  • Three guest posts

  • UK & US writing team

  • Do-follow contextual links

  • Topically relevant 

  • 500+ words

  • Real websites

  • Sites vetted for quality

  • 30 day turn around

  • Price includes VAT

  • All currencies converted in checkout



5 Guest Posts

  • Linking sites must be proven to have value in Google's algorithm

  • Five guest posts

  • UK & US writing team

  • Do-follow contextual links

  • Topically relevant 

  • 500+ words

  • Real websites

  • Sites vetted for quality

  • 30 day turn around

  • Price includes VAT

  • All currencies converted in checkout


Buy guest post packages

10 Guest Posts

  • Linking sites must be proven to have value in Google's algorithm

  • One guest posts

  • UK & US writing team

  • Do-follow contextual links

  • Topically relevant 

  • 500+ words

  • Real websites

  • Sites vetted for quality

  • 30 day turn around

  • Price includes VAT

  • All currencies converted in checkout


15 Guest Posts

  • Linking sites must be proven to have value in Google's algorithm

  • Three guest posts

  • UK & US writing team

  • Do-follow contextual links

  • Topically relevant 

  • 500+ words

  • Real websites

  • Sites vetted for quality

  • 30 day turn around

  • Price includes VAT

  • All currencies converted in checkout



20 Guest Posts

  • Linking sites must be proven to have value in Google's algorithm

  • Five guest posts

  • UK & US writing team

  • Do-follow contextual links

  • Topically relevant 

  • 500+ words

  • Real websites

  • Sites vetted for quality

  • 30 day turn around

  • Price includes VAT

  • All currencies converted in checkout


Guest posts are content written on other websites that are created specifically to promote your product or service. They're editorially approved by the webmaster in the form of a niche relevant blog post or article with the backlink coming from the body of the content for maximum impact.

Guest posts are the basis for the majority of successful link building campaigns.

Yes, when looking for guest posting sites I'll always look to build links to your site from websites that are topically relevant. However, it needs to be said that backlink relevance is widely misunderstood.

Topical relevance from a backlink comes from the anchor text, the content surrounding the link itself and a handful of other factors (which I won't mention here).

So if I get the chance to build a link from an authority site that's super powerful in itself, I will, as long as I can control key aspects.

That's up to you. After you've chosen and paid for your guest posts I'll send you an Excel spreadsheet with fields for all of the key aspects and information I need to start and finish the campaign.

This will include a field for the anchor text you want to use. But of course, if you would like some help or simply want me to choose the anchor text for you, I'd be more than happy to do it.

However, with some high authority websites the anchor text and link placement on-page will be determined by the website owner.

Yes, but only a small sample from sites that haven't imposed strict NDAs.

Yes, but only for the tiered links I build.

At no point will I ever aim PBN links at your site unless you're comfortable with the risks. They can and do still work when done correctly, but you must be aware of the potential downsides.

No, I will never work within the following industries:

  • Gambling
  • Payday loans
  • Pharma
  • Adult

I have very strong beliefs about the above niches, therefore they will always be off-limits for my company, period.

Guest posting service benefits

The process of a guest post service involves various steps to ensure successful collaborations and high-quality content publication. Below are the different stages of the guest post service process:

  • Research and selection of target websites and blogs: We conduct thorough research to identify websites and blogs that align with your industry and target audience. This step ensures that your guest posts reach the right platforms for maximum exposure.
  • Outreach to bloggers and website owners for collaboration opportunities: Once we have a list of potential platforms, we reach out to bloggers and website owners to establish collaboration opportunities. Our experienced outreach team develops personalized pitches to grab their attention and secure guest post opportunities for your brand.
  • Content ideation and creation based on target audience and platform preferences: Our team of skilled writers works closely with you to understand your target audience and platform preferences. Based on this information, we ideate and create high-quality content that resonates with your audience and meets the guidelines of the selected platforms.
  • Submission and publication of guest posts on selected platforms: Once the content is ready, we submit it to the chosen platforms for review and publication. Our team ensures that your guest posts adhere to the guidelines of each platform and are optimized for maximum visibility and engagement.
  • Monitoring and tracking of guest post performance and results: We closely monitor the performance of your guest posts, tracking key metrics such as website traffic, engagement, and conversions. This allows us to measure the effectiveness of the guest post service and make data-driven improvements to optimize results.
  • Continuous relationship building with bloggers and influencers for future collaborations: Building long-term relationships with bloggers and influencers is crucial for sustained success. We actively engage with key industry influencers, fostering relationships for future collaborations and guest post opportunities.

Here are some key ways in which guest post services can improve your website's search engine visibility:

Improving website visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs)

Guest posting allows you to expand your reach and gain exposure to a wider audience. By publishing high-quality guest posts on respected websites within your industry, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages. This increased visibility can lead to more organic traffic and potential customers for your website.

Enhancing organic search rankings through backlinks

One of the most valuable aspects of guest post services is the opportunity to earn do-follow links from sites with a high DA. Backlinks are crucial for SEO as search engines view them as votes of confidence and authority. By including relevant and high-quality backlinks within your guest posts, you can improve your website's organic search rankings, making it more likely to appear higher in search engine results pages.

Increasing domain authority and referral traffic

Guest post services also offer a way to increase your website's domain authority. When you publish guest posts on reputable websites, it signals to search engines that your website is trustworthy and valuable. This can result in higher domain authority, which in turn can positively impact your search engine rankings. Additionally, guest posts can drive referral traffic to your website, as users who read and find value in your guest posts will be more likely to visit your website for more information.

When it comes to maximizing the benefits of guest post services, it is crucial to integrate them seamlessly with your content marketing and SEO strategies. By doing so, you can achieve higher visibility, engage your target audience, and drive organic traffic to your website. Here are a few key aspects to consider:

Aligning guest posts with overall content marketing goals and messaging

Guest posts should always align with your overall content marketing goals and messaging. Before publishing any guest posts, carefully review the content to ensure it complements your brand's voice and values. By maintaining consistency in your messaging across all platforms, you can create a strong and cohesive brand identity through blogger outreach.

Leveraging guest posts for keyword targeting and organic search visibility

Guest posts present an excellent opportunity to target specific keywords and boost your organic search visibility, whether that's for your own website or part of an online reputation management project. When collaborating with guest post service providers, share your target keywords, and ensure they are strategically incorporated into the content. This way, you can improve your website's ranking for relevant search queries and attract more qualified organic traffic.

Incorporating guest posts into social media and influencer marketing campaigns

Guest posts should not be limited to just your website. To amplify the reach of your content and engage a wider audience, incorporate your guest posts into your social media and influencer marketing campaigns. Share snippets of the guest post on your social media channels and tag the guest author or influencer who contributed the content. This cross-promotion can increase brand awareness and drive more traffic to your website.

By integrating guest posting with your content marketing and SEO strategies, you can enhance your overall online presence and achieve better results. Remember that guest posts should serve as an extension of your brand and contribute value to your target audience.

Last updated on 9th July 2024 at 16:08